Steven Fales

Steven Fales
Steven Fales -- Actor/Writer/Producer

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm up at 4:00am with so many things I want to say and write. But if I say some things honestly they will be seen as attacks. I know what it's like to be attacked from the super Left and the super Right. My last blog "Mormon Boy" was attacked so much on either side. It's a form of cyber bullying. Everyone today cries, "Bully!" The word is becoming as over-used as "Fabulous." Well, not that over used. So just a short blog post today because I don't want to expend energy on two different people that totally have rubbed me wrong in the media. And I don't want to reveal just how far left or right I'm feeling this early in the morning. I'll go make some coffee and then get to work. Lots of contracts to finish and lots of emails to send. The New Year brings incredible energy and freedom. Best to make the most of it, huh?

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