Steven Fales

Steven Fales
Steven Fales -- Actor/Writer/Producer

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Business Wish List for Mormon Boy Productions, LLC

As I continue to establish my office in the midst of the Rocky Mountains there are many things I still need. If you have any of these items you would like to buy or donate, please let me know. These things add up quickly.

1. Printer (with ink and paper)

2. Scanner

3. Photoshop, Adobe, and other programs for in-house graphic design.

4. A second laptop for sound cues on the road.

5. Programs for editing sound and video clips.

6. A new computer and monitor for the office.

7. A good video camera for filming on the road.

8. Frequent flyer miles.

9. New luggage for national and international travel for touring.

10. A keyboard or acoustic piano.

11. CD for burning files.

12. An acoustic guitar for the studio.

13. Microphone for MP3 player and other recordings.

14. Office supplies from post its to file folders.

Thank you for your consideration. Please email me at

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